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David N. Little, M.D. Presents:
Medical Response To Domestic Violence - Screening and Clinical Management Guidelines

On March 18, 2004, David N. Little, M.D. presented at Springfield Hospital's Grand Rounds. See his presentation Medical Response To Domestic Violence by clicking #1 or #2. Hear his presentation by clicking #3.

  1. Medical Response To Domestic Violence: A Flash Presentation
    (includes sound)- compatible with all browsers on Macs and Windows.

  2. Medical Response To Domestic Violence: A PowerPoint Presentation
    - best seen with Internet Explorer 5 or greater.

  3. Audio only: Hear Dr. Little's 50 minute presentation by clicking here.
The presentation of the RADAR (R = Routinely screen for domestic abuse, A = Affirm feelings and Assess abuse, D = Document your findings, A = Assess for patient safety, R = Review the options and make Referrals) domestic violence intervention will:
  1. Describe screening for domestic violence in medical settings.
  2. Outline an approach to the patient who is a victim of domestic violence.
  3. Review current scientific studies on outcomes of medical interventions for victims.

David Little, MD received his MD in Family Practice from the University of Vermont and is an Associate Professor in Family Practice at the University of Vermont .  He is a member of the Vermont Task Force on the Health Care Response to Domestic Violence and has been appointed to the Vermont Domestic Violence Fatality Review Commission by Governor James Douglas.   He is President Elect of the Vermont Academy of Family Physicians and is an attending physician at Fletcher Allen Health Care.  

As the recipient of the 2001-3, University of Vermont Frymoyer Teaching Scholar Award of $50,000, his area of scholarship was "Musculoskeletal Instruction for College of Medicine Clerkship Students".

Please email [email protected] if you need help or have any questions about this presentation.

Information contained in this presentation is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or evaluation.

This copyrighted material may be used without cost and without written permission, with attribution, by any non-profit, educational, governmental, or non-proprietary organization. For-profit organizations must receive written permission for reproduction of this material.

David Little MD


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Champlain Valley AHEC 152 Fairfield St., St. Albans, VT 05478 | (802) 527-1474